Roast Turkey

First of all when you get a turkey you have to defrost it. Most people just leave it out to defrost but the actual way to defrost is to defrost the turkey in a refrigerator which takes atleast 3 days for a 6 to 7 kg turkey. If you let it defrost outside it still takes more than a day and you might spoil some part of the turkey. Well if you don’t have the time or the space just let it defrost outside overnight. What else can we do. But what I have said about defrosting in the fridge would be the correct way.
After defrosting wash and dry with paper napkins. Any insides may be thrown or used with the stuffing but it is better to throw the liver out as it may spoil the taste of the stuffing.
Rub the turkey with ground bay leaves, parsley, salt and pepper.
For stuffing you need fresh bread crumbs. Buy bread from Super market. Preferable white milk bread (normal bread is also ok) - remove the crust and then coarsely blend it in your blender and you have fresh bread crumbs. Get chicken sausages or smoked turkey available in City center. Grind it in a blender coarsely, add to it freshly ground pepper, oregano and keep aside. You will also need an apple, peeled and diced into small pieces. One boiled potato peeled and cubed. Chicken stock made from 2 cubes with warm water.
Saute onion, celery, parsley in butter. Add sausage or turkey mixture. Fry a bit then add potatoes, apple, add a few nuts that you like, you may also add a few boiled eggs chopped. Its up to you, you may add or remove anything you would like. Its not a problem. But breadcrumbs and sausage or smoked turkey is a must since we don’t get enough ham or bacon here. Add the breadcrumbs and then the stock to moisten the stuffing. Do not let it get too wet or else you may have to eat a turkey with gravy. It should be just wet enough to hold the stuffing. Let it cool and then stuff the bird with the stuffing. Use only as much stuffing that will fit inside the turkey. Do not overfill or it will come out during cooking. Tie the legs together which is very important. Dump your bird in the oven and let it cook over a medium heat for 2 to 3 hours. Keep checking every hour.
Finally once its done. You can do that by pricking the turkey and check if any wet liquid comes out. If not the turkey is done. To glaze the turkey mix some brown sugar with soya sauce, salt, pepper, honey, little vinegar and ketchup and start the browner in your oven. Take a brush and keep applying it to the turkey every 4 to 5 minutes until you get a good colour. Remove once you are satisfied with the glaze. Serve hot or cold.
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